Posts tagged with "#Simone"

Feminists in History · 12. May 2020
Simone de Beauvoir interview
Transcript by Gabrielle Dubois of a 1975 television interview #10 -Simone de Beauvoir Question: Isn’t there a sort of counter offensive by men who want to “save something from the wreckage”?
Feminists in History · 10. May 2020
   Simone de Beauvoir, violence against women
Transcript by Gabrielle Dubois of a 1975 television interview #9 Question: You became involved in direct action with regard to feminism at the very beginning of the abortion issue and as a witness in the Bobigny trial looking back of feminism in France? This specific issue served as a catalyst for women uniting and becoming aware that they could obtain something. Women mobilised public opinion, which men later ratified. That was the beginning of feminism in France Simone de Beauvoir: Certainly....
Feminists in History · 08. May 2020
 Simone de Beauvoir abortion
Transcript by Gabrielle Dubois of a 1975 television interview #8 Question: You say it would help them think. But they’ve been so conditioned by traditional images of woman and mother which are now ingrained in most adults, which have been integrated into their way of thinking, that it seems like the main problem is how to get women to see themselves with new eyes. That would be a starting point but it hasn’t happened yet. Simone de Beauvoir: Some of them see themselves with new eyes. But...
Feminists in History · 22. April 2020
Simone de Beauvoir, feminist, second Sex
Simone de Beauvoir, Why I am a Feminist, Transcript by Gabrielle Dubois of a 1975 television interview #1 Read more : Copyright © Gabrielle Dubois